Body Code

Opening hours

Rineen, Castlehaven, Skibbereen, Cork, P81TC60
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Our aim is to help you to improve your physical and emotional health, in order to live a happier life.

Body Code

Body Code


Free discovery call (15 mins) 

. Duration:15 mins··. Price:Free

The Belief Code 

. Duration:40 mins··. Price:€90

Heartwall clearing package 5 sessions - Body Code 

. Duration:40 mins··. Price:€390

The Body Code 

. Duration:40 mins··. Price:€70

Executive performance package

. Duration:40 mins··. Price:€600

Opening hours

Pay online
Booking policy


53 reviews
  • Mel·

    Had a great Belief Code session with Simeon, these sessions are helping me understand the reasons why I've held back from making certain choices in life and now I can change empowering!!! thansk Simeon, your patience is much appreciated.

  • Mel·

    I'm always amazed at what comes up for me in the Belief sessions with Simeon......old stuff and being able to discuss what the meanings are behind these and clear them to be able to move forward in a positive way. What an amazing tool......this is now gonna be my go to when I'm feeling like things are not going how i want them to go.....thanks Simeon!!

  • Liz Kowron·

    This is my very first body code session with Simeon and I am amazed at how light I feel. Something’s definitely shifted particularly in how I feel more comfortable in my skin. In observing myself I notice my interactions with people are a bit easier no matter who they are. Maybe I’m just trusting myself more. I can’t really put my finger on exactly what has changed. I just know I feel happier. Now I’m curious and looking forward to see what comes up in the next one!


    I just finished my 5th session with Simeon in The Body Code. In the sessions I have been going through traumas from different time periods of my life. My last was very emotional for me because I lost my husband 4 years ago and that was very traumatic for me and the aftermath of that. Simeon is a great instructor and I highly recommend him and the hole experience. Thank you and my warmest regards to Simeon for his gentleness and support through all sessions.

  • Mel·

    Another enlightening session with Simeon, each session is helping me to join the dots of what's going on in my life currently and from the past. We've done alot of work in 5 sessions, cleared alot and I've been able to understand alot of what has gone on and how that has impacted me in recent years. This is a self-heal journey but Simeon had great emapthic abilities and is able to help me see further than I would have been able to do on my own.

  • Agatha·

    Another great session with Julie…I love her calm manner..I feel so much better after a session with her.. I totally recommend Julie to anyone who is looking to heal from past trauma. Thank you Julie.❤️❤️❤️

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